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Re: 大家來報到吧~ 為新版衝人氣~~~

這個版面不錯啊 :welldone:
ps. 剛剛考完final exam
2007-12-18 10:54
版面: 有 話 要 說
主題: 大家來報到吧~ 為新版衝人氣~~~
回覆: 13
觀看: 20333

Re: Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas and Happy new year to all
2007-12-25 0:38
版面: 有 話 要 說
主題: Merry Christmas
回覆: 16
觀看: 29159


從來也沒試過這樣的感覺 :evil:
唉... 現在還是這樣
p.s. 正在用notebook 僅存的電來上網 :twisted:
2008-01-10 22:38
版面: 有 話 要 說
主題: 無水無電
回覆: 4
觀看: 7489

Re: 無水無電

哈... 機房有電和我的notebook 有電池便可以了 :mimi:
昨天我的住的那棟大廈用了後備發電機, 提供電梯和機房電源, 算是不幸中之大幸
ps 現在恢復正常了 :D
2008-01-11 12:21
版面: 有 話 要 說
主題: 無水無電
回覆: 4
觀看: 7489

Re: 莊主很久不見

We can really consider a gathering.
Why not grab this chance to meet old members and encourage them to come back?
ps. Studying in UST is really tough. I had 7 midterms and quizzes last week.
2008-10-28 0:43
版面: 有 話 要 說
主題: 莊主很久不見
回覆: 21
觀看: 30173

Re: 莊主很久不見

I am in year 2 now, majoring in information systems and finance
well, dilbert (呆伯特) graduated from accouting in UST one year ago :P
2008-10-29 17:29
版面: 有 話 要 說
主題: 莊主很久不見
回覆: 21
觀看: 30173

Re: 莊主很久不見

We can really consider a gathering. Why not grab this chance to meet old members and encourage them to come back? ps. Studying in UST is really tough. I had 7 midterms and quizzes last week. true~ I was a kid~ and now I am a man~ I would like to meet you guys to have a dinner and a beer~ haaa~ PLEA...
2008-11-03 20:54
版面: 有 話 要 說
主題: 莊主很久不見
回覆: 21
觀看: 30173

