我的 Bemabux, Buxjw 及 Buxandmore 的會員,這幾個網一而再,再而三地增加 minimum payout,之前這幾個網說 no need investment,但如今要請款了,郤說 "The payout maximum for your account is 130% of your investment. As your investment is $0.00, the maximum amount you can request here is $0.00.",根本不能請款,又不可以用帳戶內的錢upgrade,究竟 John Winter Gr...
不知為甚麼最近去LogiPTC click廣告,經常都顯示 "Someone beat you to the site!",已經持續了很久,所以我也很久沒在這個網成功click過廣告了!我曾經email 問過admin 數次,但都得不到回覆!請問有沒有前輩知道為甚麼會這樣呢?是不是這家公司不發款了,所以故意令人click不到廣告? 謝謝解答!
昨天在 Noulinx 第二次請款,卻得這樣的訊息 "Your account was permanently suspended due to violation(s) of our Terms of Service!" Send ticket 去問admin,得到的回覆是"Your account has been suspended because of use of some kind of plugin, robot or script to view advertisements." 我完全沒有作過任何欺騙的行為,再send ticket去問...